Community Outreach

At Psyclarity Health Massachusetts, we believe that building understanding and education reduces the likelihood of substance abuse and co-occuring mental health disorders in the community.

Our outreach efforts are rooted in Essex County, Massachusetts with plans to extend throughout the State. We work with institutions such as schools, hospitals, and churches as part of our initiative. Our involvement includes offering presentations and seminars to the community about the dangers of substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders.

Educating Communities About Drug Abuse

Comprehensive education on the dangers of substance abuse is the only way to create the understanding necessary to prevent it. 

Using Psyclarity Health’s innovative and data-driven approach, our initiative aims to connect with young adults via their schools and homes to educate them on the dangers of substance abuse and the devastating impact it can have on their lives.

We also help and support community leaders and educators in spreading awareness of the dangers and insidious nature of substance abuse.

What Is Substance Abuse?

A lot of people may not know what substance abuse actually is. Many of them do not realize that experimenting with something as seemingly innocuous as alcohol or marijuana may lead to the abuse of substances such as cocaine or even fentanyl and heroin. 

Explaining genetic predisposition, the stages of addiction, and the body’s reaction to substances can show how simple experimentation with drugs and alcohol may be their first steps toward lifelong alcoholism or drug addiction.

Describing Consequences

In many cases, young adults make decisions about substance use without consulting parents or caregivers. They can be impressionable and influenced by friends or social media which seldom give them an idea of the consequences involved. Some young adults may not be aware that they are engaging in activities that can result in addiction, legal trouble, injury, and even death. 

As educators, it is necessary to explain the risks involved, such as:

  • Long-term Brain Development Effects

  • Dysfunctional Social Skills

  • Poor Relationships

  • Poor Career Prospects

  • Health Problems and Hospitalization

  • Overdose and Even Death


By intervening in these early stages, educators can detect possible problems, and address them by providing information and opening communication channels. Psyclarity can help by working with schools to create drug education events, assist with prevention plans, and identify persons who are more likely to develop a substance use disorder.
The foundations established by Psyclarity’s outreach program will provide educators with a base from which to work when facing issues, as well as the tools to implement their own programs. Positive effects are felt by families who did not have the opportunity to engage their loved ones about these sensitive topics prior to their substance use.

Psyclarity Health Is Here To Help

Take the first step and call us. It’s time to help yourself or someone you love. See how we can offer you long-term recovery and true healing of your entire self. Complete discretion is guaranteed.